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Recruiting Privacy Statement 

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Information about the processing and use of your employment application data.

This is to inform you about the company's processing of your personal data in relation to your application.

The Mercedes-Benz or Daimler Truck company that posted the vacant position is responsible for this data processing. You can find more details in the job listing. If you have submitted an application for multiple Group companies, they are also responsible as part of each application process. You can find a list of Group companies for Mercedes-Benz Group AG here and Daimler Truck AG here.  You can reach the respective Group company of Mercedes-Benz Group AG here and of Daimler Truck AG here.

You can reach the Chief Officer of Corporate Data Protection for the Mercedes-Benz Group at the following address: Mercedes-Benz Group AG, HPC W079, 70546 Stuttgart, data.protection@mercedes-benz.com. 
You can reach the Chief Officer of Corporate Data Protection for the Daimler Truck Group at the following address: Daimler Truck AG, HPC DTF2B, Fasanenweg 10, 70745 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, dataprivacy@daimlertruck.com.

Data categories that we process in relation to your application are the ones that you provided as part of the application process. The processed categories of personal data include, but are not limited to, your name, your contact information including private e-mail address, your qualification details, your references, your documentation and login credentials. We can also process personal data in the application process that we have obtained lawfully from publicly accessible sources (such as career networks).

We process your personal data in connection with the application, in accordance with the legal requirements. Data processing serves the purpose of personnel recruiting. The primary legal basis is Art. 6, 1 b) GDPR in conjunction with Art. 88, Para. 1 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 Para. 1 BDSG. If your employment application is successful, we will further process the personal data you have submitted. This is for the purposes of the employment relationship if required for fulfillment or termination of the employment relationship. As a rule, your data can also be processed using statistical tools and in combination with data from other internal sources for further development of our recruiting, performance management, HR development, HR planning, compensation, organizational development, organizational and employment culture, innovation management and HR management operations. The primary legal basis is Art. 6, 1 f) GDPR.
As special categories of personal data under Art. 9, Para. 1 GDPR, information about a severe disability can be processed during the personnel recruiting process. This is done on the basis of Art. 9, Para. 2 b) GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 Para. 3 BDSG. In order to comply with legal requirements, we are assisted by data analytics methods to identify the disability classification.

The managers of the specialist department in charge of filling the vacancy, the employees involved in personnel selection, and the HR division in charge are the recipients of your personal data within our company. Data analysts may also process your data for the aforementioned statistical purposes.
If you have applied for training positions / work-study programs in different Group companies, these companies also receive your personal data that we collect as part of the online assessment and in the event that you make it to the next stage of selection, any on-site test and any selection day. You can find the companies concerned in each job listing. We will provide you with additional information regarding this as part of our online assessment.
We also sometimes use various service providers to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations and for data processing. For a list of the categories of contractors and providers that we use, please consult the HR division.
Please note the following with regard to the transmission of data to recipients outside the European Economic Area (Art. 49, para. 1 sentence 1 b GDPR):
• When providers are used and data is transmitted to third parties, personal data can be sent to recipients outside the European Union ("EU"), Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway (= European Economic Area), especially the US and India, for processing there.
• There is the possibility of data transmission to recipients in countries outside the European Economic Area that do not have an "adequate level of data protection." These countries may not have data protection laws that correspond (in full) to those of the European Economic Area; they may not have a data protection authority and/or comparable methods to handle data breaches. In some cases, public authorities (such as agencies) may have easier access to the data processed and use them for other purposes than those in the European Economic Area.

As an applicant, you have the right:

- to request information from the controller about the personal data stored on you and about the information specified in Art. 15 GDPR.

- to have the controller correct any inaccurate personal data relating to you and, if needed, to update incomplete personal information (Art. 16 GDPR).

- to request that the controller delete personal data relating to you, if the data is no longer needed for the application process or any legal obligations. The specific reasons are listed in Article 17 GDPR (right to erasure).

- to request that the controller restrict processing, if one of the conditions listed in Art. 18 GDPR has been met, e.g. if you have filed an objection to the processing, for the duration of the review by the controller.

- to request that the controller issue in a readable, electronic format the data that you have provided electronically yourself (Art. 20 GDPR)

- to object to data processing if there are special reasons pertaining to your situation that would contraindicate data processing. If there are no mandatory, legitimate interests of the controller for data processing (e.g. to enforce or defend against legal claims), the controller can no longer process your data (Art. 21 GDPR).

- If you are of the opinion that we are in breach of the General Data Protection Regulation or other laws through the processing of personal data relating to you, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Officer or a supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR).

- The company limits the storage of your data to the necessary period. For this reason, we regularly delete your personal information as follows: 
• The application profile you set up will remain active as long as you are in the selection process. If the applicant profile is inactive and after all selection processes are complete, your profile will be saved for another three months. It will then be deleted.
• The internal application profile that is generated automatically for Group employees will remain active as long as you are employed with a Group company. The internal application profile will be deleted three months after you leave the Group.
• If you decide to withdraw an application, you can do so at any point before a rejection by the company. This application will then be deleted immediately.
• In the event that your application is not successful, the information you provided in the application on file, i.e. your first and last names and your contact information will be deleted three months after the selection process has ended. The remaining portions of your application will be stored for the aforementioned statistical purposes for an additional period of 21 months and then deleted.
• If you are hired, the data from your application will be used to initiate the employment relationship and for the aforementioned statistical purposes. Some data will be transferred to other systems (HR management system) and stored at least for the term of your employment (after which it will be subject to the deletion periods in effect for the relevant data categories after that).
• If you are hired, your personal e-mail address will also be used for questions or information about the existing employment relationship. Some of this data will be transferred to other systems (HR management system) and stored at least for the period of your employment (after which it will be subject to the deletion periods in effect for the relevant data category).

By submitting your application, you warrant that the information you have provided is true. You are aware that providing false information can result in termination of any employment relationship.

Any differing local provisions for non-German Group companies will be provided to you during the application process.
With my application, I agree to the terms and conditions.